Submission Process
Booking a Brainstorming Session – Booking a Manuscript Assessment – Booking an Edit
*** I do all work in Microsoft Word. If you write in another program such as Google Docs or Scrivener, be sure to save your manuscript as a Word doc in order to send it to for editing/assessment. Your book will be returned with Track Changes, so you will need to edit it in Word.
Booking Brainstorming Sessions
Email me at to request brainstorming sessions.
Booking a Manuscript Assessment
Email me at to discuss any potential manuscript assessment you’re interested in me doing.
The opening 15 pages are required from new/unknown clients before any agreement can be made for us to work together. I must ensure my own confidence in the ability to provide a quality assessment of your work. Do not send pages until I’ve responded to your initial email and requested them.
Booking an Edit
Sample Edit
A sample of the manuscript to be edited is required before working with any new/unknown client. This is for both you and me to decide if we’re a good fit. Sample edits are free and can be either the first 10 pages or any 10 pages from the middle of your manuscript. You get to choose. I will work the edit into my schedule, and once returned you, if the decision is made for us to work together, we will clarify the timeline and schedule the project.
After receiving the initial pages, I reserve the right to decline any project for any reason, whether due to the work itself or my personal schedule/timing.
To request a sample edit simply click the “Book It!” link below and provide me with details of the project. Do not send pages until I’ve gotten back to you and requested them.
Book It!
Booking your edit
When ready to schedule me for an edit click the “Book It!” link below and fill in those details! I’ll get back with you just as soon as possible, and we’ll solidify start and completion dates.
Book It!
Multiple rounds of edits
Any combination of editing options can be customized to create a more “traditional” approach to the editing process. Publishers often provide multiple rounds of edits, sometimes even more than one round of developmental edits before moving on to line edits. Depending upon the author’s needs, I can work up a package which will work for us both.
If requesting more than one type of edit, additional rounds will be invoiced at a discount of 10%. Additionally, a free forty-five-minute phone call will be added for each subsequent round of edits.
Submitting your manuscript for editing
When submitting your final manuscript for editing or an assessment, if there are specifics you’d like me to be on the lookout for, or even something you wish for me not to focus on, please let me know. We can customize the work any way you need it.